Why Are We Having a vote?     When is the Vote?     What is CAMRT-SK?     CAMRT-SK Poster     Register for Town Halls     Become a Vote Site Ambassador

In early September, MRTs in Saskatchewan will be voting on whether to implement a new model for provincial association services, CAMRT-SK. This is an important vote that will impact you and your profession in Saskatchewan.


Why Are We Having a Vote?

To date, CMRIPS has been performing limited provincial association services, in support of you, the professional. Soon this role will shift from providing association services to solely the protection of the public. As such, CMRIPS will no longer be able to fulfill many of the important member services on which you, as an MRT, rely such as provincial advocacy, professional development (conferences), and member recognition.

As a result, the CAMRT was approached to begin the conversation about a possible Saskatchewan arm of the CAMRT, called CAMRT-SK. CAMRT-SK will focus on MRTs and the MRT profession in your province — ensuring that your voice is heard on important decisions provincially and that you are supported and recognized for the essential work that you do. The cost for provincial services under the CAMRT-SK model would be $51.50 per year (in addition to your national CAMRT dues). These dues will pay for a CAMRT employee to deliver provincial services and advocacy in Saskatchewan, similar to what CAMRT provides in other provinces.

Any change of this magnitude requires approval by the members in the province. As such, this fall, MRTs in Saskatchewan will be asked to vote on the CAMRT-SK model, with a plan to launch in January 2025.


When is the Vote?

Early September 2024

Voting will be conducted electronically through Simply Voting. CAMRT Saskatchewan members will receive their confidential login information sent to their email prior to the vote.


What is CAMRT-SK?

CAMRT-SK would be a Saskatchewan provincial arm of the CAMRT and represents an additional suite of programs, services and provincial advocacy in addition to your CAMRT membership. Below are some of the provincial services and support that will be available through the CAMRT-SK.

Representing and Supporting You at the Provincial Level

The cost for provincial association services through CAMRT-SK will be $51.50 per year for full a practice members in addition to your CAMRT dues. The will be $32.45 per year for non-practicing members and $0 per year for senior members. These fees will allow us to provide programs, services and advocacy at the provincial level.


Help Spread the Word of the Upcoming Vote!

Shareable Poster

Print this poster to share at your workplace.


Register for the Upcoming Town Halls

Register today for one of the upcoming town halls where CAMRT and CMRIPS will present the proposed CAMRT-SK model and answer any and all questions from the membership.

Town Hall #1: Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Town Hall #2: Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Town Hall #3: Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Submit your questions in advance

If you prefer, you can submit your questions anonymously in advance of the town hall here.


Become a CAMRT-SK Vote Site Ambassador

Site Ambassadors are a network of MRTs at different workplaces across the province who will help inform and engage other MRTs about the proposed changes to provincial member services. Don’t worry, we will provide you with the information, resources and FAQs that you’ll need so you can act as a liaison and information source at your place of work. Our goal is to have a Site Ambassador at every work site across Saskatchewan.

Expected time commitment is 1-2 hours between now and early September when the vote will take place. As a volunteer, you can attend one of the Town Halls (listed above) or we will also host an information session for volunteers. Then, your role is simply to be available to engage with your colleagues should they have questions or comments about the upcoming vote.

By volunteering, your name will be added to our website as a contact person at your hospital/clinic so your colleagues will know who to go to for information. You will also be added to the Site Ambassador email distribution list and connected with other Site Ambassadors. No experience is necessary.

Apply to be a Site Ambassador


Frequently Asked Questions

Coming soon.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Karen Morrison