Candidates are allowed one transfer only to the next term. A $50 administration fee will apply. Previously submitted assignment marks will carry over to the next term. It is the candidate’s responsibility to be aware of the deadline dates applicable to the new term.
Email to arrange a transfer.
Candidates can withdraw from a course. Upon withdrawal:
- 90% of the course fee will be refunded if the request to withdraw is received prior to the early bird registration deadline.
- 75% will be refunded if the request to withdraw is received prior to the first assignment due date and if no assignments have been submitted.
- 50% will be refunded if the request to withdraw is received prior to the third assignment due date and if no assignments have been submitted.
- 75% of a Challenge or Rewrite Exam fee can be refunded if the request to withdraw is received three weeks prior to the exam date.
Note: Candidates registered in the PET/CT course are subject to the same schedule as other full length courses.
Refunds will not be issued for the following.
- Requests to withdraw after the third assignment deadline.
- Assignments already submitted for marking
- Previously transferred registrations
- Administration fees (transfer, late registration, etc.)