2024 CAMRT Awards Showcase

CAMRT 2024 Celebration of Excellence

Congratulations to all our Honorary Award recipients!

The CAMRT Honorary Awards are a collection of awards presented to members at the pinnacle of the profession. The winners of these awards earn the highest recognition from their association by their dedication, commitment and exceptional contributions to our profession.

Life Membership

Life Membership at CAMRT represents the highest form of recognition by one’s peers and is designed to honour a member of the CAMRT who has given distinguished service to the Association. A Life Member is an individual who has supported their profession and professional association at the provincial, national and international levels throughout their career, and whose leadership has served to motivate others to become involved in professional activities.

The CAMRT is pleased to present this award to Amanda Bolderston, RTT, FCAMRT, from Alberta.

Amanda’s early work exploring advanced practice in Ontario, their “CSRT” initiative, ultimately led to a new professional title being created at the national level, the “Advanced Practice Registered Technologist (Radiation Therapy), or APRT(T). She was instrumental in the development of its certification process; and continued that work by contributing to the creation of the first international “Leading the Way in Radiography and Radiotherapy Advanced Practice” conference, known as the LTWRAP, which continues to grow globally.

Among her numerous professional activities, Amanda was the 2016 Welch Memorial Lecturer, participated in a number of CAMRT committees, and has written a book chapter and more than 50 peer-reviewed publications, along with dozens of other non-refereed publications. Her research and participation in the EDI, Patient Experience and Advanced Practice realms has resulted in multiple international invitations to be a keynote and guest speaker at many regional, national and international conferences in various countries. Through her terms as both a CAMRT board member and President, and her fierce stewardship as Editor-in-Chief of the JMIRS, Amanda is one of the most prolific leaders of the profession; and is known worldwide as an innovator, academic and advocate for the profession.

As the JMIRS Editor-in-Chief, Amanda’s vision and her long-term involvement in its development and growth has resulted in the journal securing its first impact factor; the journal is now seen globally as a leading publication for research and work being done in the medical radiation field. Under her leadership, submissions to the journal have increased from a small cohort of engaged CAMRT members, to submissions from around the globe from all disciplines, physicians, physicists and patients; and has resulted in the collection of internationally renowned researchers and practitioners as reviewers, members of the editorial board and guest editors.

Accolades from Amanda’s peers:
“The things Amanda involves herself in are often cutting edge or new on the horizon. She sees a gap in care or practice and wants to find out how to fill it.”
“The ultimate standard that Amanda has set for the profession is that status quo is not enough – not enough for our patients, not enough for our practice, not enough for us – our profession is more than status quo.”
“Amanda’s service to her profession stands out at the top of a long list of accomplishments; and every initiative she engages in, directly tied to practice or not, she makes sure everyone knows she is an MRT first and foremost.”

Welch Memorial Lecture

The Welch Memorial Lecture was established in 1951 to honour Mr. Herbert M. Welch, one of the pioneer members of the Association. To be chosen to deliver this lecture is considered an honour, which is bestowed upon a member of the CAMRT who has made an outstanding contribution to the profession at a national level. The recipient must have influenced the growth of the profession in clinical practice, education, research, and/or administration. The Welch Memorial Lecture may be on the lecturer’s topic of choice.

The CAMRT is pleased to announce Caitlin Gillan, RTT, FCAMRT, from Ontario, as the 2025 Welch Memorial Lecturer.

Over the years, Caitlin’s efforts in research, education, and professional development, have significantly influenced national standards and practices, making a lasting impact on the MRT field and its adaptation to the evolving healthcare landscape. With over 30 peer-reviewed publications, 10 research awards and 6 peer reviewed grants, Caitlin’s curriculum vitae showcases her extensive involvement in research with a strong focus on medical radiation technology, patient care, and interprofessional collaboration. Not limited to her own academic output, Caitlin has, and still holds various editorial and review roles across different platforms within the medical imaging and radiation sciences field. She has served on the JMIRS editorial board since 2020, also taking on the role of Guest Editor in 2019 for a special issue on Artificial Intelligence.

Over the years, Caitlin has made significant contributions to the profession through active participation and leadership both within CAMRT and with other related activities, where her roles have spanned from serving on the Professional Practice Advisory Council (PPAC), to co-founding the Canadian Artificial Intelligence and big Data in Radiotherapy Alliance (CADRA), showcasing her commitment to integrating advanced technologies within the field. She has been recognized by prestigious institutions and professional associations for her outstanding contributions to advancing interprofessional education, enhancing the profession’s standards, and fostering innovative teaching methods. This recognition not only underscores her comprehensive impact within the profession, but also highlights her role in promoting interprofessional collaboration, an essential element for leadership in healthcare. Her efforts have significantly contributed to moving our profession forward, breaking down silos and steering it towards a more collaborative and integrated future.

In summary, Caitlin’s contributions at a pan-Canadian level encompass advancements in clinical practice, transformative impacts on education, leadership in national strategies, research activities influencing evidence-based practices, active representation, commitment to mentoring, and a visionary approach to elevating professional standards. With these accomplishments, we truly look forward to hearing Caitlin’s lecture next year.

Dr. Marshall Mallett Lamp of Knowledge Award

The Dr. Marshall Mallett Lamp of Knowledge Award was established in 1957 to honour a member of the CAMRT who has made a significant contribution to the profession and/or association, at a national level, in the field of education.

This year’s Marshall Mallett Lamp of Knowledge recipient is Catherine Gunn, RTR, from Nova Scotia.

Catherine has been an educator in Radiological Technology at Dalhousie University for 20 years. During her time there, she has taught a wide range of courses and, in partnership with the Nuclear Medicine faculty, co-created a new CT course geared for both radiological technology and nuclear medicine students. Since 2019, Catherine has been serving as Director of the School of Health Sciences in a role overseeing the Radiological Technology, Nuclear Medicine, Diagnostic Ultrasound and Respiratory Therapy degree programs, as well as the MRI certificate program. When the Nova Scotia government requested the School of Health Sciences to significantly increase intake, essentially doubling it, Catherine dealt with equipment procurement, human resources, funding, significant changes to program delivery, and the logistics of moving to a new location, all while advocating for faculty and students not only to ensure the growth of the program, but to ensure the high standards for education were maintained.

Internationally, Catherine has collaborated in partnerships with Birmingham City University in the UK, and since 2016, with OsloMet University in Norway, to secure funding for student exchanges and research projects. These partnerships have given students both valuable research experience and authorship opportunities, as well as given faculty members opportunities to collaborate with OsloMet on curriculum development. During exchanges, Catherine is known to go above and beyond to ensure the exchange students have not only safe accommodations and academic support, but some fun as well during their stay.

In other professional activities, Catherine has volunteered on the CAMRT’s certification exam development committee, developed course curriculum, and is currently the instructor for Sectional Anatomy 1 & 2 and CT 2. For the past six years, Catherine has served on the Accreditation Canada Decision Committee and is a program surveyor; and is a member of the Atlantic Medical Imaging Educators Society that meet and collaborate on an annual basis. Catherine has also served as an Editorial Board member and is currently a peer reviewer for the JMIRS. Since 2019, she has co-authored nine publications related directly to practice and/or MRT education, has been the CAMRT representative for the RSNA Associated Sciences Consortium, and is on the ISSRT International Academic Network Steering Committee. Catherine has also volunteered her time in the community, serving in areas outside the profession, such as in patient advocacy roles and charitable causes. With such diverse contributions as an educator, volunteer and advocate, Catherine is well deserving of this award.

Steward of the Profession Award

The Steward of the Profession Award honours a CAMRT member who has advocated for, and worked to advance, the profession at both the national and provincial levels. The award recognizes those who have made a significant contribution as a volunteer, led others to become involved, and then supported them with mentorship, advocated on behalf of the profession and patients, and supported efforts to raise the standards of the profession.

This year’s Steward of the Profession recipient is Darby Erler, RTT, CTRT, from Ontario.

Darby has been a long-time member and past chair of RTi3 and received recognition for her top ranked abstract in 2014 & 2020. She has been an academic mentor for radiation oncology at the Odette Cancer Centre, a key passion of hers, and has been a JMIRS Editor and long-time reviewer. Along with receiving 9 local, national, and international research grants as collaborator or principal investigator, Darby has written or collaborated on more than 45 peer-reviewed publications, has had 8 invitations to lecture, and presented dozens of abstracts. As well, Darby has received international recognition in her field, along with multiple mentorship and leadership awards at local and provincial levels. CAMRT has benefited from her expertise as a content reviewer for multiple CAMRT quick self-studies and virtual lecture series.
In the MRI in Radiation Therapy (MRinRT) field, Darby led the development of an academic program to prepare radiation therapists for practice in MR, and consulted with other centres and jurisdictions about therapist roles in MR. She has championed the integration of MRinRT at provincial and national level, and has been involved with international research collaborations for clinical workflows in MRLinacs in the UK.
As well, Darby has been a longtime advocate for advanced practice roles for radiation therapists, where she championed the CSRT role in the interprofessional team; mentored RTTs exploring AP roles; and championed the development of novel roles at the local level. Her commitment to her profession earned her the OAMRS Practitioner of the Year award.
Much of Darby’s leadership in research and leadership domains, and her expertise and impact in those areas, has led to her frequent consultation in more formal operational leadership and management tables, such as being the moderator for recent webinar on national HHR challenges and strategies in radiation therapy that was attended by registrants from around the world.
Darby’s contributions to the profession, her leadership in encouraging others to become involved, and her tireless advocacy for the profession and for patients make her an outstanding candidate for this award.

Early Professional Achievement Award

This award is bestowed to honour a member of the CAMRT who, at an early stage in their career, inspires and leads their colleagues by acting as a role model.

The CAMRT is pleased to present this award to Jessica Kimber, RTR, CTIC, from Nova Scotia.

From very early in her career, Jessica developed a diverse array of knowledge and skills that she uses to the benefit of those around her, from her colleagues and students, to her patients and their families. She has progressed from a lab demonstrator to a TA for online courses, to a CAMRT instructor for CT Imaging 3. Jessica has led a pediatric image quality study where the results showed a need to improve chest x-rays for infants to 2-year-olds across Nova Scotia. Not only did Jessica disseminated the results to managers and directors, she developed and delivered educational content to technologists across Nova Scotia’s regional pediatric and community centres. Jessica then completed a second quality audit, which led to changes in exposures and influenced protocol changes provincially; and has plans for follow-up quality audits to assess the impacts of these changes. Subsequently, Jessica is recognized for her expertise in pediatric image and quality improvement and has been sought out to present her work provincially, nationally, and internationally, including a presentation on pediatric CT as part of a lecture series for RAD-AID. She has been an invited collaborator on an international project exploring pediatric diagnostic reference levels in CT, and has mentored international MRT students participating in a student research exchange program. Additionally, Jessica has made a significant impact on patient care and department culture by championing trauma informed care, and by recognizing and championing anti-racism and anti-ageist practices in her facility. Jessica’s diverse personal learning and passion to share and support others in their learning, has included writing 7 publications in her areas of interest, and to volunteer on national conference and provincial committees.

Having excelled in professional advancement, challenging status quos in clinical practice and department cultures, engaging and leading local and international research, educating and mentoring others, and overall stimulating and enhancing professionalism in the MRT community, Jessica is well deserving of this award.

Outstanding Service Award

The Outstanding Service Award honors a staff member or volunteer who has served the CAMRT with dedication, integrity and commitment to the values and mission of the CAMRT. By doing so the individual has demonstrated long term commitment, exceptional performance and engagement in performing their service and significantly influenced the success of the association and the profession.

This year’s Outstanding Service Award recipient is Carly McCuaig, from Ottawa.

Involved with the CAMRT journal for over 18 years, Carly started as coordinator in 2006 and progressed to Managing Editor in 2008 with the first issue of the JMIRS relaunch.

Since Carly has been managing editor, one of its most significant milestones was the inclusion of the journal in MEDLINE/PubMed in 2018, undergoing a rigorous review process to meet the high quality and technological standards. Additionally, there has been a dramatic year-on-year increase in total submissions from less than 50 in 2008 to close to 500 in 2023. The journal has grown to include 47 editors and editorial board members in 11 countries and regions. Carly has brokered and supported many partnerships with professional societies in Malta, Hong Kong, Australian & New Zealand, and more recently France, which has further strengthened our international scope and readership; and we now publish two extra “Special Issues” a year, as well as several national and international conference proceedings, such as the RTi3 in Toronto, the LTWRAP conferences, the ISRRT World Congress in 2022 and 2024, the Asia-Australian conference and Singapore’s Annual Scientific Meeting in 2023.

Carly has created or been involved with providing extra support for authors, editorial board members and peer reviewers, student issues and workshops, as well as articles to encourage a research culture and its skills, along with training programs to improve peer-reviewer’s skills and the quality of feedback for authors.

A few comments that best describe her contributions:
“The review process is easy and simple. …Carly is ever ready to assist when needed.”
“JMIRS goes beyond the standard strategies employed by most journals, so, for me, it is more friendly and approachable to new researchers than other journals.”
“She is vital to the smooth running of the journal, and is appreciated greatly by the leadership team and editorial board. As an EiC I can honestly say that Carly is the power behind the JMIRS!”


The CAMRT Fellowship program recognizes professional achievement in MRT practice. The designation FCAMRT recognizes MRTs for their exceptional contributions to MRT practice, community service and the delivery of exceptional healthcare services. CAMRT Fellows are recognized for their breadth and depth of expertise and are considered pillars of the profession.

This year, we are honored to recognize our newest Fellow, Angela Cashell, RTT, ACT, FCAMRT.

Angela is a recognized leader in radiation therapy and a role model to many. With a career spanning over 30 years, Angela is a champion for lifelong learning and elevating the profile of the profession through research, education and her countless professional contributions. Through clinical education and mentorship, Angela has helped to shape and support the future of the radiation therapy workforce.

Awards of Excellence

The Awards of Excellence are presented annually to newly certified MRTs who obtained the highest score on their CAMRT certification exam in 2023:

  • Dai El-Sadani, RTMR (Magnetic Resonance – tie)
  • Amanda Li, RTR, RTMR (Magnetic Resonance – tie)
  • Mingyan Yu, RTNM (Nuclear Medicine)
  • Rabina Parhar, RTT (Radiation Therapy – tie)
  • Benjamin Shevkenek, RTT (Radiation Therapy – tie)
  • Megan Beaudry, RTR (Radiological Technology – tie)
  • Jillian LeBlanc, RTR (Radiological Technology – tie)
  • Monica Young, RTR (Radiological Technology – tie)

Competitive Awards


President’s Medal

This Board Recognition award is both selected and presented by the current CAMRT President to honour an individual or a group who has realized an outstanding achievement, or who has made a difference in their life.

This year, President Megan Brydon is pleased to present this recognition to three worthy MRTs:

Nicole Jenkins, RTR, RTMR
Jennifer Carey, RTR, CTIC
Tyler Ferrish, RTNM, RTMR


Recognition and Award Recipients since 1942