CAMRT has developed three online exam preparation courses to help IEMRTs prepare for the national certification exam.

  • Exam Preparation Course 1: Radiographic Procedures and Pathology

This course provides content on patient positioning & assessment of images for quality, identification of anatomy and pathology and proper positioning. This is an image-based online course designed review positioning for radiographic procedures, refine skills in image analysis for diagnostic and technical acceptability and enhance the recognition of radiographic appearances of common pathological conditions. The course has 22 modules. Modules 1-3 cover preliminary steps in radiography, compensating filters, and general anatomy and radiographic positioning terminology. Modules 4-19 cover radiography and positioning of various skeletal structures and areas of the body. Modules 20-22 cover indications, procedure and imaging in Computed Tomography (CT), Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD) and Interventional Radiology (IR). The course can be taken at any time at your own pace.

  • Exam Preparation Course 2: Patient Management

This course discusses professional practice, patient care procedures, venipuncture and use of contrast agents and patient management to include transmission of infection and principles of asepsis, patient assessment, care of patient with therapeutic and supportive devices and response in emergency situations. Course material is divided into 6 modules. The course can be taken at any time at your own pace.

  • Exam Preparation Course 3: Radiographic Equipment and Imaging

This course reviews fundamental principles of radiographic imaging and current practice of radiography in Canada. This online course provides the student with the knowledge and skills for the operation and monitoring of various types of radiographic equipment, including digital imaging and CT, as well as discussion on radiation protection measures as per Canadian standards. The course is divided into 8 modules and can be taken at any time at your own pace.

The course fee is $350 for each course. Log in to the My Certification page for more information and to register for the courses.

Please note: Effective May 2018, new competency profiles and exam blueprints are in effect. The exam preparation courses are not a comprehensive review of examinable content, but rather a sampling of topic areas that have traditionally been more challenging for candidates. It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure they have reviewed the most current version of the competency profile and exam blueprint for their discipline to direct their studying.