CAMRT in the Media

Public advocacy through the press and mainstream media is an important tactic for MRT advocacy. Whether it is the creation of news releases to stimulate awareness, interest and public discourse on an issue, or response to stories in the media cycle that affect MRTs, CAMRT strives to provide an authoratative, respected and evidence-based voice for MRTs on issues.

CAMRT press releases, editorials and contact with the media has appeared on hundreds of media properties in the past few years. Below is not a comprehensive listing of all appearances, but examples that best display CAMRT exposure through media over time.

Current Year (2024)


Adding more doctors and nurses alone won’t improve bottleneck in health care (Vancouver Sun, February 8, 2024)



NB — Radiology Bottleneck (CBC Radio: Shift – NB with Vanessa Vander Valk, May 14, 2024)

NB — ‘We’re the bottleneck:’ Technologist shortage leads to diagnostic wait (Telegraph Journal, Saint John, May 10, 2024)

MB — More MRI techs needed to combat wait times as burnout figures rise, association says (CBC News Manitoba, March 28, 2024)

BC — CT scanner disruptions grow as B.C. medical imaging hangs by a thread (CTVNews Vancouver, March 26, 2024)

NB — A shortage of radiation therapists at the SJR Hospital is lengthening cancer therapy wait times (CBC Radio: Information Morning – Saint John with Julia Wright, March 26, 2024)

NB CAMRT-ATL speaks about radiation therapist shortage in New Brunswick (Segment at 03:49, CBC New Brunswick News March 25, 2024)


Previous Years



Much of CAMRT’s ability to engage successfully engage with media is thanks to the efforts of its members across the country who help the association to track developing stories, and whom also participate as experts and spokespeople for the association and the MRT profession.

If you come across an emerging story that you think is of importance to the MRT profession, please be in touch with CAMRT via email at: